December 16, 2011

*.."Dear Santa,"..*

First of all! how are you? i really missed you since last year!:) i wanna thank you for the great gift you left me under the christmas tree!:)
hmm..this year? i wasn't so nice..i was a little bit more naughty..i didn't pass any exams until i started the new university year. also i didn't ake anything corectlly.
I'm telling you the truth. this year i tried to help the other people but most of the tie i tried to keep my people closer to my heart. i didn't get a good score at this thing. so i start sharing emotions and experiences with all kind of people who wanted a hug..or a person to hear them. yes..this possibility was wrong from the beginning.
Also i tried very hard to speak nicely to all around me..but they've made me wanna lose control so i just screwed it up. so i have to admit..i'm a bad person..i'm a really bad person with good thoughts for the this agic season. i want to help me to share my love and good intensions with my boyfriend (sebastian <3.<3 ), make mum and dad proud of also to have the strong opinions to change my little brother's ideas..and make the other friends to wear a smile in every situation!:)
also for this year the costs for the presents i will take it up to me!:)

                                                                                                  Lots of love,
                                                                                                    your red coral.

1 comment:

  1. panagia m tn kali m! en n s kami dwro o agios mn anisixis!
